Thursday, June 9, 2022

Top Gun’s Jets Don’t Cool Down - Week 5

Before we return back to the Jurassic Age this weekend, let’s take a quick look at what happened last weekend. 

Top Gun: Maverick flew-in another $90 million with a huge second weekend drop of… checking my notes… stroking my chin… banging my head against a wall… 28.9%?!

You remember that bit where I said most “big” openings have a 50-60% drop these days a couple days ago. Yeah, well, just like Tom Cruise’s title character not thinking the rules apply to him, I guess the same could be said about this film. 

It’s like every person over the age of 40 wanted to see the movie, found out it wasn’t Battlefield Earth, and is now flocking to theaters. Meanwhile, I just want the dogfight football scene from the film to become the new overtime rules in the NFL. Who needs a coin flip and a kickoff? You each get the a ball on the 50 yard line and your time starts… NOW!

This incredibly low second weekend drop leaves Top Gun: Maverick with a $295.6 million total over ten days. I know the dinos are coming, but if it’s the dinosaur moviegoers showing up, it may be Top Gun tickets they’re buying.

After a month in the theaters, Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has amassed $388.6 million. What’s stranger still, is while it’s still making money in theaters, Disney+ is going to start streaming it in two weeks. Did Benedict Cumberbatch have something in his contract where his movies can never compete against Elvis? Besides, aren’t most Disney+ subscribers already behind on weekly shows like Obi-Wan, (do I have to finish this) Moon Knight, and now Ms. Marvel? This is certainly not the month Disney+ subscribers have been complaining about not enough new stuff! 

On a side note, mediocre films continued making mediocre money. The Bob’s Burgers Movie and Downton Abbey: A New Era made $4.6 and $3.1 million respectively. Yay?

So, two big heavy hitters are already in theaters, one looks like it’s already heading away, and the biggest beasts that ever walked our planet walk again today. In the immortal words that have been spoken numerous times in all five Jurassic films: run! 

The Top Five If Today Was Labor Day:

#1. Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - $388.6 million

#2. Top Gun: Maverick - $295.6 million

#3. Downton Abbey: A New Era - $35.9 million

#4. The Bob’s Burger Movie - $22.4 million

#5. Firestarter - $8.4 million

2024 Holiday Blockbuster Pool - Final Report

  The front yard inflatables are down, Valentine’s Day stuff is already in the stores, and today is ACTUALLY MLK Day, so that must mean the ...